A Lost Too Hard to Bear

I lost my niece Khloe Simone Adams on November 1, 2017. It was one of the hardest days of my life because she was my child before I had my own. I would come home from college every weekend, just about, to spend time with her. She was the only girl of 3 boys. When I found out that she was a girl I went to the store and bought all the stuff I could with the little bit of money I had (I was broke college student). But anyway, I ended up with a daughter of my own, so I had to split my time between them both. It got hard but I wanted them to be close and grow up together. 
I could remember it vividly, I was at work when my sister called me and said my niece was being rushed to the hospital and to let my mama know. I had an uneasy feeling and tried to call back... no answer. I called time and time again and finally, someone answered but no words were said, I knew something was wrong. I remember somebody having to take me home from work because I was crying so bad, still not knowing what fully was wrong. Then the news finally came that she was gone. The ride to the hospital seemed like an eternity. Then when we finally got there we weren't allowed to see her, which crushed my soul even more. I never got to see her until I was walking into her funeral. That day changed my life forever. Sadly, I'm scared to let my kids out of my sight because I'm scared that something is going to happen to them. Thankfully, I'm blessed to work from home and get to stay at home with them all day. If my kids can't come, then 9 times out of 10, I'm not going. When I am away from them I'm constantly texting and calling to make sure they are okay. I love you Khloe and may you rest in peace. I'll never forget the two years we got to spend together and the lifetime of memories we created.


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