What Do You Want from Me?

   Do you not know that I am enough as I am? My clothes are good enough. My friendship is good enough. My mind and soul is good enough. Why do humans constantly look past the good and focus on the bad in each other? We are all humans. We all make mistakes. We all go through trials and tribulations and most importantly we all sin! No one sin is worse than the other. It is a flaw in us all, but it’s important to remember...you are good enough. You’re good enough for that new job or car. You’re a good enough mother, father, or partner. 
   It’s important to note that being enough doesn’t mean you shouldn’t change. Change is inevitable. I always say never be content. Not being content means, making yourself better! Knowing your worth and pushing beyond it. Don’t ever feel like you “can’t” do something. Don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’t do anything. Who are they? Who are you? Stand behind your flaws and most importantly yourself! You are enough! If your friends, family, or spouse can’t see that you are enough, then reevaluate your surrounds. What do they want from you anyways other than you? I am enough. I am me. You are enough. You are you. What “they” want doesn’t even matter. 🤪


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