Can You Hear Me Now?

    Does your counterpart actually hear what you are saying when you bring up an issue. Notice I said hear and not listen. Anybody can listen, but it takes a special kind of person to hear you out. Hearing is very beneficial but how they react to what they heard is even more important. Do they hear what you say then go on about their day or do they try to truly understand where you're coming from? Do they get mad? Or try to make the situation about themselves is important to take note of.  Some people don't know how to handle situations like this so what do you do? Are you satisfied with your counterparts responses to your concern? It a lot to think about! A lot to work through! How long do you give for change? Is it worth the wait? Only you can answer the questions above. Everyone is different. Every heart is different. But do know that if you are not being heard and resolving the issues in the relationship. Then you are going nowhere fast. Please note this is for any kind of relationship or environment. Not just a spousal situation. Can you hear me now? I deserve to be heard!


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