Why You so Worried About Me?

    Not me specifically, but the next man. With social media, we can keep up with people’s day to day life and what they have going on. You can see that Stacey has a new car and Rebecca just got engaged, which can quickly lead to envy. Why are you so worried about what others have? When you focus on yourself and what you do have you will begin to realize how blessed you are. That new car came with car payments. Your car might be paid off so that is extra money in your pocket from not having to make a car payment. Rebecca might have gotten engaged, but little do you know behind closed doors her finance’ is beating her. Your life is what’s meant for you and you only. I used to look at different stuff on social media and say why can’t my life be like this and that. I began to realize that I had everything I needed not necessarily everything I wanted. Worry less and living life is what we were created to do. Open your mind to what you have in front of you and not what someone else has in front of them. Nobody is perfect. We all have our struggles. What you think was sent to break you, was actually sent to make you. Trial and tribulations are a part of life. There is no way to avoid them.  I’ve seen the saying “A job is a job, a house is a house, and a car is a car”. Keeping up with the Jones will only push you back further. Keep up with yourself. Keeping up with yourself will make you happier at the end of the day because you will be less worried about what you don’t have and grateful for what you do have. But…… don’t ever be content. Strive for more. More for yourself, your family, and friends. Jealousy  can be a dangerous thing. I challenge everyone to think or write down a list of things you have and speak growth into your list. Remove the negative mindset and watch yourself flourish. Your winning season is coming, or you may be experiencing it now. Enjoy the ride because “The Art of a Free Mind” will set you free. So, why are you so worried about me again?


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