
Can You Hear Me Now?

    Does your counterpart actually hear what you are saying when you bring up an issue. Notice I said hear and not listen. Anybody can listen, but it takes a special kind of person to hear you out. Hearing is very beneficial but how they react to what they heard is even more important. Do they hear what you say then go on about their day or do they try to truly understand where you're coming from? Do they get mad? Or try to make the situation about themselves is important to take note of.  Some people don't know how to handle situations like this so what do you do? Are you satisfied with your counterparts responses to your concern? It a lot to think about! A lot to work through! How long do you give for change? Is it worth the wait? Only you can answer the questions above. Everyone is different. Every heart is different. But do know that if you are not being heard and resolving the issues in the relationship. Then you are going nowhere fast. Please note this is for any kind of

A Lost Too Hard to Bear

I lost my niece Khloe Simone Adams on November 1, 2017. It was one of the hardest days of my life because she was my child before I had my own. I would come home from college every weekend, just about, to spend time with her. She was the only girl of 3 boys. When I found out that she was a girl I went to the store and bought all the stuff I could with the little bit of money I had (I was broke college student). But anyway, I ended up with a daughter of my own, so I had to split my time between them both. It got hard but I wanted them to be close and grow up together.  I could remember it vividly, I was at work when my sister called me and said my niece was being rushed to the hospital and to let my mama know. I had an uneasy feeling and tried to call back... no answer. I called time and time again and finally, someone answered but no words were said, I knew something was wrong. I remember somebody having to take me home from work because I was crying so bad, still not knowing what

What Do You Want from Me?

      Do you not know that I am enough as I am? My clothes are good enough. My friendship is good enough. My mind and soul is good enough. Why do humans constantly look past the good and focus on the bad in each other? We are all humans. We all make mistakes. We all go through trials and tribulations and most importantly we all sin! No one sin is worse than the other. It is a flaw in us all, but it’s important to are good enough. You’re good enough for that new job or car. You’re a good enough mother, father, or partner.       It’s important to note that being enough doesn’t mean you shouldn’t change. Change is inevitable. I always say never be content. Not being content means, making yourself better! Knowing your worth and pushing beyond it. Don’t ever feel like you “can’t” do something. Don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’t do anything. Who are they? Who are you? Stand behind your flaws and most importantly yourself! You are enough! If your friends, f

Why You so Worried About Me?

    Not me specifically, but the next man. With social media, we can keep up with people’s day to day life and what they have going on. You can see that Stacey has a new car and Rebecca just got engaged, which can quickly lead to envy. Why are you so worried about what others have? When you focus on yourself and what you do have you will begin to realize how blessed you are. That new car came with car payments. Your car might be paid off so that is extra money in your pocket from not having to make a car payment. Rebecca might have gotten engaged, but little do you know behind closed doors her finance’ is beating her. Your life is what’s meant for you and you only. I used to look at different stuff on social media and say why can’t my life be like this and that. I began to realize that I had everything I needed not necessarily everything I wanted. Worry less and living life is what we were created to do. Open your mind to what you have in front of you and not what someone else has in f